Thuidium delicatulum
Grimmia mexicana Greven. Syrrhopodon incompletus Jaffueliobryum wrightii Pyrrhobryum spiniforme

Bryophytes are small green plants traditionally classified in three groups: Hornworts, hepatics and mosses. Their ecologic and evolutionary significance makes them the cornerstone of inquiries on the transition from the aquatic to a land environment, and the early evolution of land plants. Their scientific and practical importance is evident from research on mineral content in soils, air quality, biogeochemical cycling, sex determination, and hybridization. Bryophyte tolerance to low or high temperatures, desiccation, genomics and horticultural applications, illustrate the breath of current interests.

Bryological research in Mexico is just beginning. Formal studies are comparatively few and the number of bryologists is small. Research has centered on the number of bryophytes in the Mexican flora, their habitats and current distribution. The advent of young bryologists and their students will advance studies in ecology, phylogeny, molecular biology, and in systematics of Mexican bryophytes.

This web site compiles information on work carried out on Mexican bryophytes at Instituto de Biología, National University of Mexico. The information contained herein may be useful in further taxonomic, floristic or phytogeographic investigations; the user may obtain basic information on these subjects from bibliography, descriptions, databases, and images. Additional materials will be released as they are produced in our research.

Claudio Delgadillo Moya, Ph.D.
Instituto de Biología, UNAM
Apartado Postal 70-233
04510 México, D.F.

Tel. 525 – 5622-9086, Fax 525 – 5550-1760